Share.  To share.  Share meaning to give to others, to enjoy jointly, to have a part in, to contribute to. Its like when you read a good book or try a new restaurant, you find a pair of socks that work for you or a new trail. We are naturally wired to share, to pass along to others, to support, to encourage and add to one another’s lives.   And it is here, in this space that I am sharing. Sharing.

Sharing with YOU!

My intention is to share the tools that have aided and supported my growth here with you so that they may guide you in your own self exploration and discovery!


Thank you for finding your way here. I continue to explore what works for me in each moment, as I find it is constantly shifting… I strive to meet myself in the moment and hold space for you to do the same. I am honored to share these techniques, mediations and words that were generously passed along to me that transformed my life, here with you.

Connect with Yourself


Go on a journey within.

Let’s Begin!


Access an inner connection with yourself.

Ready? Let’s Go!


Immerse yourself in systems upon systems.

Are you curious?

What you find here on these pages are techniques rooted in ancient technology, that have been generously offered to me. They have impacted, influenced and introduced me to so many aspects of my life in ways I cannot begin to put into words (although it is all documented in 106 journals that have been gathered into a book called In Her Wisdom).  What I know is that they work. They worked for me, they are working for me and I am all about sharing them here with you in the case that they may work for you.  

 I am not perfect. These recordings are not either. I am an ordinary person like you. You’ll find that I am exploring sound, finding my voice and how to cue. You’ll also be met with love, the immense love and gratitude that pours from my heart up and meets you through my warm, encouraging, compassionate gaze and smile. 

For I see myself in you. I see you in me.

*Photo taken by MJ while at a Soul to Soul Retreat with Carol and Ariel Mann

Maui, May 2018