Daily Roars evolved from my spoken poem Hear Me Roar, in the form of an invitation from H.P. to share messages of wisdom and love to myself. In the wee hours of January 1st 2024, while riding home on a train after a without words to descirbe Phish show, I sent my first message to myself. Now, when a message comes to me out of the blue, or when I am writing and in a flow, I take a moment to write and then text myself a Daily Roar, celebrating the steps that I take, the moments I encounter and the expereinces that I have. For each and every one of them, especially the ones that feel REALLY hard and those that I resist with all of my might, end up being incredible lessons of my own strength and endurance, my capacity to carry myself through and on!

As I continue to do so, I share these message here with you.

May these words meet you in your heart center. And may you KNOW, you are never alone. Never. Alone.

Hari Om