We Have the Capacity to Shift Our State

I was feeling sluggish when I sat to lead this class, full from dinner and sitting in front of a screen all day so I worked with the breath to enliven and shift my state. Guess what? I feel great and I trust you will too! You’ll explore new ways to work with the breath and activate the beginners mind, full of curiosity and inquiry paired with compassion and gratitude for doing something new. The techniques shared here are ones I use throughout the day in any location- work, home, surrounded by things that I want to shift and change….Yes. I still have those desires AND I know that the only thing I can change is me. This practice does just that, it shifted my state. We have the ability and capacity to do this. Are you willing? If so, I’ll meet you here. Let’s go!

*This practice is enlivening, grounding, stabilizing and expanding all at the same time.


The Space Between


Simply Be With the Breath