Simply Be With the Breath

This two technique practice invites us to acknowledge all that came before and all that will come after and allow ourselves to commit to the here and now, connecting with our breath. Celebrating the moment, the present moment in which we are in, showing up for ourselves. How do we show up for ourselves while being aware of what surrounds us.This is a shorter practice, one that you may want to take on as a commitment, doing this practice daily for 21, 27, 30 or 45 days.

*This practice works to warm up the spine, filling up the body with breath and exhaling it all out. It also works with both an inner and external retention of breath. This practice is grounding, opening, stabilizing, calming and working with the retentions, it increases the capacity of the breath, expanding the gap between the breaths.

This practice has the song Iris by Roger Eno and Brian Eno in the background.


We Have the Capacity to Shift Our State


Teach Your Mind to Focus