Transform and Transmute

What do we have a tight grip on, what are we holding on to, what is holding on to us? Let us bring our focus and attention on this which wants to move, allowing it to move and offering it back to cultivate newness. This practice was recorded on a Full Moon in Capricorn, inviting us to bring light to the darkness, opening up space for that which we are calling towards us.

*This practice includes pumping of the navel center and activating the inner fire. Also included here is a mantra based practice paired with an internal and external breath retention or hold. While gazing up at your third eye center, the space between your eyebrows holding the breath in we chant Om Namah Shivaya, while placing our chin down, towards the neck holding the breath out, we chant Sri Shakti Namaha.


Root and Ground, Be Here Now


Follow the Breath to Now