Reset, cleanse and remove cellular memories that impede, holding us back in this ever repeating known. Make and hold an inner commitment to yourself to reset the mind and body. Let us use the patterns that are here towards our elevation, growth and expansion. Move the cells from place of stagnancy to awakened, from dense to light.
*This practice is activating and strong. It works with the navel center. There is pumping of the navel center, work with the akasha mudra and movements of the arms paired with strong breaths.
**One of the techniques I name as Prana Shakti 3 and it is Prana Shakti 2.
Wake yourself up, cleanse, activate and balance your inner environment. This practice was recorded on the morning of a Full Moon.
*This is a balancing practice, balancing the upward and downward flow of energy. It is also cleansing and activating practice.
This practice explores activating and calming, elevating and grounding, teaching the nervous system to be with the natural fluctuations that come from living. We all have choices on how we respond to the peaks and valleys of life. Bring yourself to center, into alignment, access this inner space so you can be with the intensity of life.
*This practice has pumping of the navel center, strong breathing and internal and external breath retentions (holds). We are really working with the manipura chakra, the seat of will, volition, steadfastness, the place of our inner fire.
Remove the stuff that is in the way of your inner stillness and ease. This practice involves more coaching and guidance through the techniques. It starts slow, picks up pace as it moves and ends with a calming, stabilizing practice to access inner stillness. This is a shorter practice, one that you may want to take on as a commitment, doing this practice daily for 21, 27, 30 or 45 days.
*This practice uses a moving inner gaze along with a mantra. The mantras practices are Om Namah Shivaya, with the breath held in, when inner gaze is at the 3rd eye center, Agya Chakra and Shri Shakti Namaha, with the breath held out when inner gaze is at the heart, Anahata Chakra.
Access this place of expansion, ease and effortlessness, this silent space within. When you remember who you are, that is when and where life meets you, exactly as it is meant to be.
*This practice invites us to work with internal and external retentions, holds of the breath. There is also navel pumping.
-You can access Mt. Wolf’s Tucana to accompany this practice.
This practice was recorded during a coming to center series. This practice, recorded on a Tuesday, activates energy and generates heat from within. It starts strong, with an invitation to cleanse and clear away all that does not serve, so that we can access the calm space within. It ends with a silent witness mediation using the mantra So Hum, meaning I am that, that I am.
*This practice has arm movements that are activating, pumping of the navel center and pelvic locks, or holds to bring the energy up the spine.
Access gratitude for all of the steps that have led you here, all of the moments that you have encountered that bring you here, to this current moment.
*This practice has some activation and then it becomes stabilizing and grounding. You may want to stay in the space to integrate and absorb after the practice.
-You can access Aphex Twin’s aisatsana [102] to accompany this practice
What do we have a tight grip on, what are we holding on to, what is holding on to us? Let us bring our focus and attention on this which wants to move, allowing it to move and offering it back to cultivate newness. This practice was recorded on a Full Moon in Capricorn, inviting us to bring light to the darkness, opening up space for that which we are calling towards us.
*This practice includes pumping of the navel center and activating the inner fire. Also included here is a mantra based practice paired with an internal and external breath retention or hold. While gazing up at your third eye center, the space between your eyebrows holding the breath in we chant Om Namah Shivaya, while placing our chin down, towards the neck holding the breath out, we chant Sri Shakti Namaha.
When we drop out of the stories of the mind into the silent space, the space of love, grace, compassion. The space at the heart center. May we continue to be guided by our inner voice that flows through this space. This voice that is always here, when we drop out of the mind and into the heart.
*This practice is activating and enlivening. It involves pumping of the navel, kriyas that increase the heart rate and movement of the arms.
-You can access Desert Dwellers’ Union (Groove Mix) to accompany this practice.